Human forms tears for a variety reasons.Some of these there is nothing to do why people cry.If we cutting an onion or suffering disease like cold our eyes will always brimming with tears.This is not emotional cry but because of reaction eyes producing tears as lubricant.There have three main type of tears that is basal,reflex and emotional.Basal tears is released regularly to lubricant our eyes.Reflex tears released when irritants bother our eyes.Emotional tears released when we cry because of our feelings like sadness,happy or anger.Sometimes we will form tears when we injured.In theory women is easy to cry because they have more prolactin hormone in body then men.This because in tears there have some protein that are same component to some hormone.For the first week of baby birth women is face with high level of this hormone to stimulate lactation.That why in few weeks women is in sensitive feelings.Beside to stimulate lactation its also tend to have overall calming effect.When we in emotional pain this will built this hormone and produce more tears.Thus people cry its may be to calming too,helping to restore mood.So,that why women is easily to cry because of produce more prolactin.In our life just remember that cry is natural behavior.Even baby is cry as language to communicate to people surrounding them.Please don't be shy when we want to cry and when we in depressant to cry this will help us calm or restore our mood.For men,please don't blame women around you when they like to cry.This because maybe with cry its will help them to calm but for women please don't use cry as reason that we can't do certain things.Happy and smile always.
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