Thursday, October 23, 2008

Paper that Self-Erases in a day

As what i have read on the Treehugger site, Xerox has came out with a paper that self-erases within 24 hours and can then be re-used. The printing on the paper will fade gradually in 24 hours under the light is actually due to a compound on the printing that change colour when they absorb a certain wavelength of light. The printing can also be erased faster by exposing to heat. The erasable paper produced by Xerox has not yet on sale. It is because it is still a research project. I enjoyed reading the article as it is quite a good idea to help in reducing paper used. And i do believe the erasable paper could help in reducing the number of paper in the world. However, Xerox still need to think how they should reduce the cost of production of the erasable and the ways to attract the consumers to use their product.

Electronic cigarettes

Have you ever heard of electronic cigarettes? Now, as what i have read on BBC news website, the sales of the electronic cigarettes has been raised in UK. The electronic cigarettes use replaceable cartridge with shots of nicotine, but have become popular because they are not covered by the smoking ban. Some of the smokers believe that the cigarettes were healthier than normal cigarettes as they do not contain tar, tobacco or carbon monoxide. Yet, experts are worried as users inhale a fine heated mist and there is a lack of regulation. However, Jason Cropper, managing director of the Electronic Cigarette Company, has claimed that it is more healthier than the real cigarettes as they had done the experiment on mice. I do not enjoyed reading the article because it does not related to me and i think electronic cigarettes could not help in cutting down the number of smokers. Those smokers will think that electronic cigarettes is more healthier than the real cigarettes yet they forget inside the cigarettes still contain nicotine.

Yummy Yummy Chocolate

CHOCOLATES...mainly made from cocoa is indeed good for ones brain and bring various benefits to ones healthy yet happy life style. Don't worry too much of the fat contain in chocolates..Why don't you cut down on your french fries or fried chicken? Eat up chocolate moderately as it also enhances good mood!Several recent studies suggest that some types of cocoa contain substances that could enhance blood flow in the brain and improve brain function. Although it is a little distressing that the conference at which this breakthrough was discussed was sponsored by Mars Incorporated, the candy maker, it did point to compounds known as Flavanois as to their ability to keep the brain healthy and prevent cognitive decline and dementia.Scientist in England believe that drinks containing this compound could be used to treat vascular impairments in the brain. After consumption of the liquid, it was noted that there was increased blood flow to the gray matter, which is part of the brain stucture, for two to three hours.

How does the roller coaster work?

What you may not realize as you’re cruising down the track at 100 kilometre hour is that the coaster has no engine. The car is pulled to the top of the first hill at the beginning of the ride, but after that the coaster must complete the ride on its own. You are not being propelled around the track by a motor or pulled by a hitch. The conservation of potential energy to kinetic energy is what drives the roller coaster and all of the kinetic energy you need for the ride is present once the coaster descends the first hill. Once you are underway, different type of wheels help keep the ride smooth. Running wheels guide the coaster on the track. Friction wheels control lateral motion (movement to either side of the track). A final set of wheels keeps the coaster on the track even it is inverted. Compressed air brakes stop the car as the ride ends.

new planet discover..

This picture shows that it will might be our tenth planet. The artist's concept shows the planet catalogued as 2003UB313 at the lonely outer fringes of our solar system. Our Sun can be seen in the distance. The new planet, which is yet to be formally named, is at least as big as Pluto and about three times farther away from the Sun than Pluto. It is very cold and dark. from what i read the planet was discovered by the Samuel Oschin Telescope at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, Calif., on Jan. 8, 2005. The planet is seen moving across a field of stars.

weird things happen

we have so many tyme saw or heard about wierd things that happen without any explanation. this is the one of the weird case that i had read from the website Thousands of jumbo flying squid or Humboldt squid, were found stranded on southern California beaches over the summer of 2002. The normal range of these squid, also known as Humboldt squid, is from Peru north to Baja California. However, warm water events such as El NiƱo can extend the range of these squid to Oregon.The first reported stranding was on July 18 at Swami’s Beach in Encinitas, CA, where approximately 200 squid were found over a mile stretch of shore. Their mantle lengths ranged from 16 to 24 inches, and they weighed between 2 and 2.5 pounds. On July 25, several thousand squid beached themselves at La Jolla Shores (pictured above), about 15 miles north of San Diego. Scientiests believe they squid were following prey, possibly grunion, a small fish, and washed ashore alive but were unable to get back into the water and died. City work crews were called to help remove tons of dead fish.

Why People Cry?

Human forms tears for a variety reasons.Some of these there is nothing to do why people cry.If we cutting an onion or suffering disease like cold our eyes will always brimming with tears.This is not emotional cry but because of reaction eyes producing tears as lubricant.There have three main type of tears that is basal,reflex and emotional.Basal tears is released regularly to lubricant our eyes.Reflex tears released when irritants bother our eyes.Emotional tears released when we cry because of our feelings like sadness,happy or anger.Sometimes we will form tears when we injured.In theory women is easy to cry because they have more prolactin hormone in body then men.This because in tears there have some protein that are same component to some hormone.For the first week of baby birth women is face with high level of this hormone to stimulate lactation.That why in few weeks women is in sensitive feelings.Beside to stimulate lactation its also tend to have overall calming effect.When we in emotional pain this will built this hormone and produce more tears.Thus people cry its may be to calming too,helping to restore mood.So,that why women is easily to cry because of produce more prolactin.In our life just remember that cry is natural behavior.Even baby is cry as language to communicate to people surrounding them.Please don't be shy when we want to cry and when we in depressant to cry this will help us calm or restore our mood.For men,please don't blame women around you when they like to cry.This because maybe with cry its will help them to calm but for women please don't use cry as reason that we can't do certain things.Happy and smile always.

Worst 'Healty' Drink???

Staying hydrate can make your body in good condition.Drink enough water can improve our mood,our focus will sharpen and our heart will beat stronger.Beside that your will less likely to suffer from headaches and fatigue.All this if we put in right position,we can get enough nutrients, antioxidants and protein as a chaser.Usually we like to drink carbonate drink that we know its content high level of sugar.But are we realize that sweet drink and healthy drink also content high sugar level like fruit punch.Research show that in Stony Farm Organic Wild Berry Smoothie have double high of calories and sugar than yogurt smoothie.So,don't be fooled with word organic in product.Beside that fuse drink is better than juice drink.This because in juice drink there only have 5% of juice while other is water and sugar.Its better if we want to drink juice just squeeze its by ourself.So.know as consumer don't be fool with word like 'healthy",'antioxidant', and many more.Because of this there only just want to attract us buy there product than the healthy content.

How to Stop Smoking

Nowadays,people start smoking in early age of 10 years.Especially men.Smoking is a bad habit and harmful to the smokers and also people around a smokers.This because its contain nicotine that is most addicted and harmful drug in the world.There have some steps and tips that can make all who smoke to stop smoking.First steps that we must do is get a strong determination to stop smoking.We must list all reason why we want to stop smoking.This because its can increase our motivate to stop smoking.After that,choose specific date like so meaningful for you like your birthday or new year.Beside that,don't smoke same brand.This because always switch your cigarette brand its will different taste and chemical so its make less enjoyable.Remove all tobacco product like lighter from your house.Then tell friends and family that you want to stop smoking to get support.Find medicines that can help to stop smoking and get some advise from doctor.Lastly,try survive a week without tobacco by substituted with sweet,mints,coffee and etc.This will help you to forget a while about cigarettes. That is some steps to start stop smoking but now is tips that we can try to stop smoking.Firstly,get a plenty rest to stop smoking.Don't to rush to stop smoking because it so hard to stop addicted.Then get good nutrition for your body because your chemical in your body is instable.Lastly,avoid being around other who smoking.Then,try to stop smoking.That some tips that can help us.Good luck for everyone that want to stop smoking.All of you have know that smoking is harmful for our healthy and life.

Reason Why Men Cheat

Sometimes in broken relationship there because of the men is not become honest to their couple.Why this happened?First reason is men is in emotional depression in their relationship.Maybe the women is too selfish and not think much about men feeling.Men is not like women like to express their feeling to their couple.That why men always want women to understand them and show women appreciation and thoughtfulness.Research also show that men like to cheat when their feel guilty because have something that shame for them self like they not have pocket money but their couple ask to dating.They give reason to avoid from see their couple.Beside that men cheat because of have best friend that done same thing like them, that is cheat to their couple.For example his friend was proud because have cheat to their wife with no feel sorry.Sometimes men like to cheat because of their met someone that better then their couple.They want to change what they always get to another thing that don't have.So,from that men have now the reason why they cheat and women know why their couple cheat to them.Don't be sad just try change your self and love them like them love us.Good luck everyone.


That we realize that our habit can make our look damn?.Lets we check our styling habit first.Firstly are we use to much hair product?.By using too much hair product makes our hair limp and greasy.So,instead of just applying the dollop on top of our head,rub it between our palm first before spreading it in our stand.Then we check are we blow-drying at a close range?.This habit will damage our locks and cause flyaway.Actually,before we start,apply a thermal protector and angle the dryer towards the direction of hair growth at least four inches away from our hair.This will help create a smoother and less damaging finish.Rubbing our hair with towel also habit that can cause our hair frizziness,tangles and even breakage.To dry gently,we still can simple wrap damp hair turban-style for couple minutes before blotting it dry.Just remember don't rub,just pat dry.Last habits that always we done can make our hair lock dump is always brush our hair witch can rip out hair.Please stay away from this habit by use wide-tooth comb or rake with our finger.This enough actually when our hair is in wet.As a women,of course we want to get beautiful and healthy hair.So,beware of our habits everyday and take good care of our hair.This because sometimes we not realize that our habit can make our hair look damn and make we don't like our hair condition.This can disturb our daily lifestyle and our life.

i LoVe..

i love the mountain..i love the clear blue skies..i love the big bridges..for the first time i heard this song from my nephew, i feel like it's suits my in tv to watch..except at the cafe, clearrr radio channels to heard..huhu..but, one day i heard this song at osc, it's really catches my eyes and ears..this song is a advertising campaign song launched by discovery channel in this year, as they are promoting their new tagline.."this world is just..awesome"

Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?
Astronaut 2: Nope.
Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to...
Astronaut 2: Break into song?
Astronaut 1: Yep.

I love the mountain
I love the clear blue skies
I love the big bridges
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole worldAnd all its sights and sound

Boomdeyadda 4x

I love the ocean
I love real dirty things
I love to go fast
I love Egyptian kings
I love the whole worldAnd all its crazy thungs

Boomdeyada 4x

I love tornadoes
I love arachnids
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids
I love the whole worldIt’s such a brilliant place

Boomdeyadda 4x

let's take a very2 good care for our world..
we don't have other planet to stay except Earth..


these two pictures i got from you ever seen this shape of aeroplane? one with the duck's head and one more with long straight body? they are not available in KLIA yet..

rich man can have whatever he wishes..

India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, is building a new home in the financial hub of Mumbai: a 60-storey palace with helipad, health club and six floors of car parking.
The building, named Antilla after a mythical island, will have a total floor area greater than Versailles and be home for Mr Ambani, his mother, wife, three children and 600 full-time staff.
Draped in hanging gardens, the building will have a floor for a home theatre, a glass-fronted apartment for guests, and a two-storey health club. As the ceilings are three times as high as a normal building's, the 173m (570ft) tower will only have 27 floors.
The building will replace his existing 14-storey home.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Seaweed based biodiesel

i have read an article on Threehugger website regarding Italian Biodiesel producers turn to seaweed as a feedstock for biodiesel. Italy's Union of Biodiesel Producer hope to comercialize the production of seaweed-based biodiesel within five years . They plan on investing 10 million (14$ million) into the project.

The specific species of seaweed used in this project has yet to determined , the company is working with scientist at the University of Florance to find a species which could be grown in plastic tubes of seawater and fed with carbon dioxide captured from a nearby fossil fuel power plant. I enjoyed reading this article, it raise my awareness on insufficient supply of diesel . And i hope scientist in our country will come out with something like this.